Services / General Dentistry

Dental Exams
Few people place a visit to their dentist at the top of the list of things that they enjoy. Still, it's important that you maintain regular visits to your dentist in order to prevent or identify any dental and oral health issues. Your dentist can perform a dental exam that will allow them to address any problems as early and easily as possible, before they become more serious and require extensive treatment. Our caring staff understands that some people find a visit to the dentist unsettling or even frightening, and we strive to create an atmosphere in our office that will put our patients at ease.

What to expect during a dental exam

During your dental exam, your dentist will carefully evaluate your oral hygiene practices and thoroughly check your oral health. They will also carefully evaluate your bite and check for unusual changes as well as assess your risk of developing bone or gum disease. One of the most important things your dentist will do during your regular exam is perform an oral cancer screening. Though it is one of the lesser-known forms of the disease, oral cancer affects nearly 41,000 people each year in the United States. As with other cancers, early detection and treatment is essential to ensuring a successful outcome.

Your dentist will also carefully check for any signs of tooth decay or root damage, and they will likely perform a regular cleaning. If your dentist notices an unusual amount of staining or deposits on your teeth, they may counsel you on your diet or tobacco use. They may also take x-rays of your teeth to provide them with a view of how your inner tooth and bone structure is changing over time. They may also provide you with instructions on proper brushing and flossing techniques and ask you questions to ensure you are receiving the proper amount of fluoride through your diet and tooth care products. If they do find any issues with your teeth or gums, they will recommend and schedule treatments during this visit.

Why are dental exams important?

Dental exams are the best way to ensure that your teeth and gums remain fully functional and healthy throughout your life. The American Dental Association recommends that you receive a dental exam every six months to protect the health of your teeth and gums. Skipping exams can exacerbate any dental issues you may have and cause tooth decay and gum disease to become worse. Even patients who have full dentures need to continue a regular schedule of visits to their dentist so that the fit of their dentures can be checked and adjusted, and to ensure that no gum or bone loss is occurring. Regular dental exams also provide your dentist with the opportunity to educate you on any new dental products, procedures or techniques that may help improve your dental health or the cosmetic appearance of your teeth and smile.

If you have been putting off your regular dental exam for any reason, don't wait any longer. Regular dental exams are crucial to the prevention and detection of oral disease and putting them off could make matters worse. Call the caring and professional staff at Drs. Hopkins & Kane's Dental Office in Redondo Beach today at 310-378-9241 to schedule an appointment.

Ready for great dental health?

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2. Meet our friendly staff

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3. Receive a no-pressure treatment plan

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